Пятница, 28 Март 2025
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Clinic Today

Treatment in Russia

Information memo for foreign citizens wishing to enter the Russian Federation for treatment during the coronavirus pandemic

The stomatological service in Kuban began its development from the organization in Krasnodar of the first dental clinic in the region, about which in the Krasnoye Znamya newspaper No. 267 of November 17, 1928 there was the following message: “On November 18, on ul. Red Army, 58 opens the first dental clinic in Krasnodar. P.G. Dauge.

The dental service in the Kuban began its development with the organization in Krasnodar of the first dental clinic in the region, which was reported in the newspaper Krasnoye Znamya No. 267 of November 17, 1928: “November 18, on the street. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 58 opens the first dental clinic in Krasnodar named after P.G. Dauge."

Since 1936, the clinic was headed by Zubrilin G.I., Patushinsky G.L., Meerovich V.I., Khatskalevich V.D., Dolgikh L.M., Seropyan O.V., Litvinov A.N., Bereka A. L., Zadorozhny I.A., Lutsenko A.N., Krivonosov V.A.

In 2018, the clinic turned 90 years old. Today, the Regional Clinical Dental Clinic is a large medical institution that has everything necessary for further development: experienced personnel and modern material and technical base: equipment, materials, tools.

At present, the head of the institution is Sergey Alexandrovich Korovashkin, his assistants are assisting him: Alexander V. Cherchenko for clinical expert work, Igor Evgenievich Stefanov for medical matters, Svetlana Ibragimovna Koshak for economic issues, Igor Petrovich Zhuiko for economic matters.

The staff of the Regional Clinical Dental Clinic GBUZ of the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory consists of highly qualified dentists of various specializations, professionals in their field, responsible, conscientious and friendly, educating not a single generation of dentists.

The polyclinic operates: surgical, orthopedic, orthodontic departments, therapeutic (including children's room) department, dental laboratory, administrative and economic service.

One of the oldest units is the outpatient surgical department. It is headed by a professor at the Department of Surgical Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, FSBEI HPE “KubGMU”, doctor of medical sciences, Oleg Vladimirovich Tsymbalov, recognized in 2016 as the best dentist surgeon of the Russian Federation. Of great importance in the outpatient surgery department is the improvement of known methods for treating the dentoalveolar region, topical X-ray diagnostics for the development of complications after endodontic and orthopedic treatment, and localization of retined teeth, which allows choosing rational surgical access during surgical interventions. An important area of the department’s activities is the improvement of anesthetic management. To date, the arsenal of local anesthetics used in the department is quite diverse. Doctors of the outpatient surgical department widely carry out the surgical treatment of periodontitis. These are gingivoplasty operations and the addition of this method using osteoinductive materials and directional membranes.

In GBUZ "KKSP" there is a therapeutic department that provides medical, preventive and advisory assistance to the population of the Krasnodar Territory. The department is headed by Vera Grigoryevna Raizberg and Elena Anatolyevna Mordvintseva, dentists of the highest qualification category. Here, citizens are admitted in the amount of compulsory and voluntary medical insurance, as well as for paid medical services. Services are provided using the latest advances in dentistry. Widely used are methods of depophoresis and root canal filling with gutta-percha, therapeutic treatment of transapical pathological processes of radicular cysts and granulomas, aesthetic restoration of teeth. To support the activities in the departments, there are two auxiliary units: physiotherapy and radiology rooms.

Also on the basis of GBUZ "KKSP" there is a children's reception room. The smallest patients from all over the region can receive highly professional help here. The bright design of the office, the friendliness of the staff - everything here contributes to the appearance of sincere smiles on the faces of the guys. Listen to lessons on oral hygiene, learn how to properly care for your teeth in the office of a dental hygienist.

Since the creation of the Regional Dental Clinic, the orthopedic department has been the head center of the Krasnodar Territory for the treatment of the most complex cases of dental diseases requiring the participation of orthopedic surgeons. The head of the orthopedic department is Yanakidi Orfey Dimitrievich, a dentist orthopedist of the highest qualification category. The range of services of orthopedic surgeons includes restoration of damaged teeth, dentition defects, manufacturing of complex-jaw prostheses for jaw defects. Currently, the cabinets are equipped with modern equipment for the aesthetic restoration of teeth and dentitions using porcelain, cermets, metal composites. Workplaces of dental technicians are equipped with the necessary equipment, tools, modern materials.

Orthodontic care is widely provided in the institution, Victoria Alexandrovna Filippova heads the department. The department is equipped with modern diagnostic equipment, dentists use the latest orthodontic designs and innovative methods of treating the pathology of the dentofacial area. Currently, we are actively using the system of aligners, as a result, patients receive a beautiful smile without the use of bracket systems. Doctors of the orthodontic department constantly undergo professional training and internships not only in the Krasnodar Territory, but also at the central bases of the Russian Federation - in Moscow, St. Petersburg.

A great place in the life of the polyclinic's team is occupied by work with dental medical organizations of municipalities of the region. Their work is coordinated by the organizational and methodological department. To provide practical and advisory and methodological assistance, the department’s employees have been conducting visits for many years to analyze the activities of the dental service, conducting scientific and practical conferences on topical dentistry issues, and providing methodological assistance to improve the qualifications and certification of dentists. The appeals of citizens from all over the region are considered. An important area of activity of the department is preventive work. For this purpose, on the basis of the medical institution, the School of Prevention is opened for patients of the clinic.

Despite its venerable age, our institution keeps up to date. The main tasks are the prevention of dental diseases in the territory of the region. The Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory in every possible way supports the preventive orientation of the work of GBUZ "KKSP", as well as the improvement of dental care for residents of the Krasnodar Territory.

Specialists of GBUZ "KKSP" work so that your smiles are dazzling, sincere and perky!

23 мая в выставочно-конгрессном комплексе "Экcпоград Юг" г. Краснодара начала свою работу 18-я Стоматологическая выставка "Дентима - 2018", 8-я специализированная конференция «Наука и практика в стоматологии», 13-я международная конференция зубных техников, 4-я специализированная конференция Российских производителей, 3-й Олимпиады имплантационных систем, и 17-й медицинской выставки «Медима».
23 мая в выставочно-конгрессном комплексе "Экcпоград Юг" г. Краснодара начала свою работу 18-я Стоматологическая выставка "Дентима - 2018", 8-я специализированная конференция «Наука и практика в стоматологии», 13-я международная конференция зубных техников, 4-я специализированная конференция Российских производителей, 3-й Олимпиады имплантационных систем, и 17-й медицинской выставки «Медима».

23 мая в выставочно-конгрессном комплексе "Экcпоград Юг" г. Краснодара начала свою работу 18-я Стоматологическая выставка "Дентима - 2018", 8-я специализированная конференция «Наука и практика в стоматологии», 13-я международная конференция зубных техников, 4-я специализированная конференция Российских производителей, 3-й Олимпиады имплантационных систем, и 17-й медицинской выставки «Медима».