Прейскурант ГБУЗ ККСП

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Положение по организации оказания платных медицинских услуг
Образец договор на платные медицинские услуги «Ортодонтия»
Образец договор на платные медицинские услуги «Ортопедия»
Образец договор на платные медицинские услуги «Терапия, хирургия»
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- Price List
- How to get
"The maximum maximum prices for paid medical services (except emergency medical care) provided by the state budgetary health care institution" Regional Clinical Dental Clinic "of the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory, in excess of the established state assignment, as well as in cases determined by law, within the established state assignment, with the exception of medical services provided to other medical and preventive treatment facilities of the Krasnodar Territory "
(approved by the orders of the regional energy commission-department of prices and tariffs of the Krasnodar Territory of March 16, 2016 No. 6/2016, September 19, 2018 No. 23/2018-m)
Code for reference book SPR 18 |
Name of medical services Unit of measurement |
types of works |
Price general |
A16.07.223 |
Anesthesia application |
procedure |
127 rub. |
A16.07.223.001 |
Anesthesia application (children) |
procedure |
127 rub. |
A16.07.222.001 |
Intraoral anesthesia (infiltration, conduction, intrapulparial, intralgamentary) |
procedure |
172 rub. |
A16.07.222.002 |
Intraoral anesthesia: infiltration, conduction, intrapulparial, intraralgamentary (children) |
procedure |
172 rub. |
A16.07.224.001 |
Application of the drug on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity (one session children) |
procedure |
164 rub. |
A16.07.224.002 |
Application of the drug to the oral mucosa (one session) |
procedure |
164 rub. |
A09.07.008 |
Taking material from the oral cavity for a study (children) |
procedure |
171 rub. |
A12.07.001 |
Vital staining of hard tissues of a tooth |
study |
230 rub. |
A16.07.227 |
Extraoral anesthesia (blockade) |
procedure |
375 rub. |
A16.07.227.001 |
Extraoral anesthesia: blockade (children) |
procedure |
375 rub. |
А16.07.019.001 |
Temporary cleavage in case of periodontal diseases in the area of two teeth |
manipulation |
1 065 rub. |
A17.07.003.001 |
Diathermocoagulation of one gingival papilla, contents of one channel (children) |
manipulation |
129 rub. |
А17.07.003 |
Diathermocoagulation in the pathology of the oral cavity and teeth |
manipulation |
129 rub. |
A16.07.025 |
Selective grinding of hard tissues of teeth |
procedure |
130 rub. |
A11.07.011 |
Injection of drugs into the maxillofacial area |
procedure |
115 rub. |
A16.07.116 |
Injection of drugs under the oral mucosa (children) |
procedure |
115 rub. |
V01.065.009 |
Complex services for the treatment of complicated caries |
procedure |
487 rub. |
V01.065.010 |
Complex services for the treatment of complicated caries (children) |
procedure |
487 rub. |
V03.065.001 |
Complex of studies on the assessment of the patient’s dental status during initial treatment |
procedure |
1 141 rub. |
V01.065.005 |
Consultation of a dentist (specialist) |
reception |
335 rub. |
A22.07.013.003 |
Laser whitening of one tooth |
procedure |
806 rub. |
A22.07.013.002 |
Laser whitening of one tooth (children) |
procedure |
806 rub. |
A16.07.133.003 |
Topical administration of remineralizing and fluorine-containing preparations for one to four teeth |
procedure |
168 rub. |
A16.07.108 |
Local application of remineralizing and fluorine-containing preparations for one to four teeth (children) |
procedure |
168 rub. |
A16.07.134.006 |
Overlay of cofferdam, rubberdam (children) |
manipulation |
477 rub. |
A16.07.134.005 |
Overlay of cofferdam, ruberdam |
manipulation |
477 rub. |
A16.07.134.008 |
Overlay of a mini-dam, quikdam |
manipulation |
304 rub. |
A16.07.134.009 |
Overlay of a mini-dam, quikdam (children) |
manipulation |
304 rub. |
A16.07.134.011 |
Overlaying of one link of a ligature wire tire |
procedure |
243 rub. |
A16.07.134.012 |
Overlaying of one tire link from ligature wire (children) |
procedure |
243 rub. |
V01.063.006 |
Examination of the dental status of the primary patient (children) |
procedure |
702 rub. |
A13.30.007 |
Oral hygiene training |
procedure |
168 rub. |
A16.07.137.002 |
Training in oral hygiene (children) |
procedure |
168 rub. |
A16.07137.005 |
Education, health education (children) |
procedure |
311 rub. |
A16.07.137.004 |
Training, health education, consultation of the mother, accompanying persons |
procedure |
311 rub. |
A16.07.138 |
Odontometry of one tooth (children) |
study |
127 rub. |
A06.30.02.001 |
Description and interpretation of computer tomogram |
procedure |
2 601 rub. |
A16.07.140.003 |
Index Definition (children) |
study |
150 rub. |
A12.07.003 |
Determination of indices of oral hygiene |
research |
150 rub. |
A16.07.140.004 |
Determination of cariogenicity of dental plaque (staining) |
study |
227 rub. |
A16.07.140.002 |
Determination of cariogenicity of plaque: staining (children) |
study |
227 rub. |
A02.07.001.002 |
Examination of the oral cavity without medical and diagnostic measures |
research |
120 rub. |
A16.07.144.003 |
Issuing an extract from the medical record of a dental patient |
service |
225 rub. |
A16.07.144.002 |
Registration of an extract from the medical record of the dental patient (children) |
service |
225 rub. |
A16.07.159.001 |
Coating teeth with fluorolac, fluorogel |
procedure |
600 rub. |
A16.07.159.002 |
Coating teeth with fluorolac, fluorogel of all teeth (children) |
procedure |
600 rub. |
A16.07.161.003 |
Rinsing with remineralizing or fluorine-containing preparations (1 session) |
procedure |
278 rub. |
A16.07.161.002 |
Rinsing with remineralizing or fluorine-containing preparations (1 session, children) |
procedure |
278 rub. |
A16.07.164.001 |
Premedication (children) |
procedure |
308 rub. |
A16.07.164.002 |
Premedication (dentistry) |
procedure |
308 rub. |
A16.07.168.004 |
Conducting professional dental hygiene (children) |
procedure |
824 rub. |
A16.07.168.005 |
Conducting professional hygiene of one tooth (in healthy) |
procedure |
182 rub. |
A16.07.168.001 |
Conducting professional hygiene of one tooth in case of periodontal disease |
procedure |
237 rub. |
A16.07.168.007 |
Conducting professional hygiene of one tooth in case of periodontal disease (children) |
procedure |
237 rub. |
A11.02.07.009 |
Removal and analysis of occludogram |
procedure |
150 rub. |
A16.07.185.003 |
Removal and analysis of occludogram (children) |
procedure |
150 rub. |
A16.07.185.004 |
Removal of an artificial crown |
procedure |
277 rub. |
A16.07.185.005 |
Removal of the artificial crown (children) |
procedure |
321 rub. |
A16.07.185.008 |
Removal of the seal |
procedure |
253 rub. |
A16.07.185.009 |
Removal of a seal (children) |
procedure |
253 rub. |
A16.07.190.001 |
Grinding off enamel from the stingray of a single tooth (children) |
procedure |
138 rub. |
A16.07.192.001 |
Trephination of a tooth, artificial crown |
procedure |
253 rub. |
A16.07.192.002 |
Trephination of the tooth, artificial crown (children) |
procedure |
253 rub. |
A16.07.020.005 |
Removal of tooth deposits using the "AirFlow" |
procedure |
1 608 rub. |
A16.07.020.006 |
Removal of tooth deposits using the "AirFlow" method (children) |
procedure |
1 608 rub. |
A22.07.002 |
Ultrasonic removal of supragingival and subgingival dental plaque in the area of the tooth |
procedure |
163 rub. |
A16.07.211.002 |
Reading a single dental radiograph |
study |
115 rub. |
A16.07.211.001 |
Reading one dental X-ray (children) |
study |
115 rub. |
A16.07.212.006 |
Splinting of teeth with the use of a composite (in the area of one tooth) |
manipulation |
584 rub. |
A16.07.212.007 |
Splinting a single tooth using composite (children) |
manipulation |
584 rub. |
A16.07.213.001 |
Electrometry of one fissure |
study |
119 rub. |
A16.07.213.002 |
Electrometry of one fissure (children) |
study |
119 rub. |
A05.07.001 |
Electroodontometry |
study |
118 rub. |
А17.30.010.001 |
Vacuum therapy (one session, performed by a doctor) |
procedure |
115 rub. |
A11.07.011.002 |
The introduction of drugs into the root canal with destructive forms of periodontitis |
procedure |
721 rub. |
A11.07.010 |
The introduction of drugs into the pathological periodontal pockets |
procedure |
142 rub. |
A16.07.045 |
Vestibuloplasty |
operation |
1 258 rub. |
A16.07.045.001 |
Vestibuloplasty with autotransplantation (up to six teeth) |
operation |
2 087 rub. |
A16.07.215.002 |
Restoration of a unit of a dentition defect using glass fiber materials and photopolymers in a direct way: in the field of molars |
procedure |
4,352 rub. |
A16.07.215.001 |
Restoration of a unit of a dentition defect using glass fiber materials and photopolymers in a direct way: in the field of premolars |
procedure |
3 982 rub. |
A16.07.215.003 |
Restoration of a unit of a dentition defect using glass fiber materials and photopolymers in a direct way: in the area of the anterior teeth |
procedure |
3,885 rub. |
A16.07.216.003 |
Restoration of the facet on the metal orthopedic construction with photopolymer |
procedure |
2 080 rub. |
A16.07.247.001 |
Restoration of the tooth shape in the absence of hard tissue up to 1/2 of the tooth crown |
procedure |
1 974 rub. |
A16.07.247 |
Restoration of color and shape of a tooth with non-carious lesion of its hard tissues |
procedure |
1,018 rub. |
A16.07.084 |
Enamel color restoration |
procedure |
1 512 rub. |
A16.07.217.001 |
Opening of the periodontal abscess |
procedure |
170 rub. |
A16.07.218.001 |
Hydromassage of gums |
procedure |
152 rub. |
A16.07.026 |
Gingivectomy |
procedure |
1 101 rub. |
A17.07.006 |
Root canal depophoresis |
procedure |
835 rub. |
A16.07.219.001 |
Collection of periodontal pockets for microbiological examination |
manipulation |
401 rub. |
A16.07.057.002 |
Closing with one fissure sealant from a light-cured composite |
procedure |
711 rub. |
A16.07.057.003 |
Closing with one fissure sealant from a chemically-curing composite |
procedure |
591 rub. |
A16.07.249 |
Removal of a fixed foreign body from one root canal |
procedure |
1 348 rub. |
A16.07.113 |
Measurement of galvanic currents in the oral cavity |
procedure |
135 rub. |
A16.07.030 |
Instrumental and drug treatment of the root canal |
procedure |
900 rub. |
A16.07.030.003 |
Instrumental processing of the root canal NiTi with tools, computer-assisted |
procedure |
1 513 rub. |
A24.01.004.001 |
Cryodestruction of skin |
procedure |
141 rub. |
A16.07.038.001 |
Curettage-parodontal pockets in the area of 2 teeth without flaking flap |
procedure |
319 rub. |
A16.07.040.001 |
Curettage parodontal pockets in the area of 2 teeth with flap flaking |
operation |
1 105 rub. |
A22.07.014 |
Laser treatment of the root canal |
procedure |
1 671 rub. |
A22.07.017 |
Laser treatment of the periodontal pocket |
procedure |
1 143 rub. |
A22.07.016 |
Laser treatment of tooth hard tissues |
procedure |
1 311 rub. |
A16.07.128 |
Medical bandage on the oral mucosa (1 session) |
procedure |
228 rub. |
A16.07.126.003 |
Treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa (each subsequent session) |
procedure |
289 rub. |
A16.07.130 |
Treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa (one session) |
procedure |
397 rub. |
A16.07.030.004 |
Treatment of one well-passable root canal without the use of resorption means |
procedure |
904 rub. |
A16.07.251 |
Treatment of periodontitis by the impregnation method (without applying a seal) |
procedure |
611 rub. |
A16.07.089 |
Treatment of surface caries by silvering |
procedure |
85 rub. |
A16.07.252 |
Treatment using a pin depending on the type of cavity (summed with the main type of work) |
procedure |
231 rub. |
A16.07.131.005 |
Drug treatment of periodontal pockets: application |
procedure |
216 rub. |
A16.07.131.006 |
Drug treatment of periodontal pockets: irrigation |
procedure |
163 rub. |
A16.07.131.007 |
Drug treatment of periodontal pockets: bandage |
procedure |
452 rub. |
A16.07.092 |
Overlay of the medical strip with deep caries |
procedure |
230 rub. |
A16.07.002.002 |
Imposing 1 chemical-cured composite seal with surface and medium caries of Class II and III according to Bleck |
procedure |
663 rub. |
A16.07.002.003 |
Application of a chemical-cured composite seal with the surface and medium caries of the IV class according to Bleck |
procedure |
855 rub. |
A16.07.002.003 |
Application of a chemical-cured composite seal with the surface and medium caries of the IV class according to Bleck |
procedure |
855 rub. |
A16.07.002.009 |
Imposing 1 seal of light-cured composites with surface and medium caries of class II and III according to Bleck (linear technique) |
procedure |
1 390 rub. |
A16.07.002.007 |
Overlay of 1 filling of light-cured composites with surface and medium caries of I and V class according to Bleck, root cement caries (linear technique) |
procedure |
1 115 rub. |
A16.07.002.006 |
The imposition of 1 seal of light-cured composites with surface and medium caries of I and V class according to Black, caries of root cement (sandwich technique) |
procedure |
1 443 rub. |
A16.07.002.005 |
Imposing 1 seal of light-cured composites with surface and medium caries of Class II and III according to Bleck (sandwich technique) |
procedure |
1,717 rub. |
A16.07.002.004 |
Overlaying 1 seal of chemical-cured composites with surface and medium caries of I and V class according to Bleck |
procedure |
532 rub. |
A16.07.002.011 |
Imposition of 1 cement filling in case of surface and medium caries of the I and V classes according to Bleck |
procedure |
486 rub. |
A16.07.002.010 |
Imposition of 1 seal from cement with surface and medium caries of class II and III according to Bleck |
procedure |
585 rub. |
A16.07.002.012 |
Imposition of 1 cement filling with surface and medium caries of IV class according to Bleck |
procedure |
696 rub. |
A16.07.002.001 |
Overlaying 1 seal of light-cured composites with surface and medium caries of the IV class according to Bleck (linear technique) |
procedure |
1 668 rub. |
A16.07.002.008 |
Imposing 1 seal of light-cured composites with surface and medium caries of Blek class IV (sandwich technique) |
procedure |
1 952 rub. |
A16.07.008 |
Root canal filling |
procedure |
870 rub. |
A16.07.008.001 |
Filling of the root canal of the tooth using hot gutta percha condensation |
procedure |
1 791 rub. |
A16.07.008.002 |
Filling of the root canal of the tooth by the method of lateral condensation of gutta percha |
procedure |
965 rub. |
A16.07.240 |
Preparation and expansion of the NiTi root canal with manual tools |
procedure |
1 489 rub. |
A16.07.160.005 |
Polishing of a composite composite in the treatment of carious cavities of the I-III, V class according to Bleck |
procedure |
260 rub. |
A16.07.160.004 |
Polishing fillings during restoration work and in the treatment of carious cavities class IV according to Bleck |
procedure |
496 rub. |
A16.07.050 |
Professional teeth whitening |
procedure |
461 rub. |
A16.07.009 |
Pulpotomy (amputation of coronal pulp) |
procedure |
466 rub. |
A16.07.090.004 |
Sealing one root canal under a pin |
procedure |
591 rub. |
A16.07.090.001 |
Sealing of one root canal, sealed with Zn-eugenol paste |
procedure |
620 rub. |
A16.07.090.002 |
Sealing of one root canal, sealed with resorcin-formalin paste |
procedure |
1 213 rub. |
A16.07.090.003 |
Unsealing of one canal, filled with phosphate-cement |
procedure |
1 436 rub. |
А16.07.175.003 |
Grinding of 1 fissure, grinding of necrotic masses in case of caries in the stage of 1 tooth stain |
manipulation |
296 rub. |
A16.07.177.003 |
Dentition restoration: tremes, diastemas (for each tooth) |
procedure |
1 578 rub. |
A16.07.177.004 |
Restoration of a single facet with a photopolymer |
procedure |
1,282 rub. |
A16.07.177.006 |
Restoration for congenital anomalies of the tooth shape |
procedure |
1 778 rub. |
A16.07.201.002 |
Ultrasonic treatment of tissues (one session) |
procedure |
144 rub. |
A16.07.091 |
Fixation of a post in the root canal |
procedure |
436 rub. |
A22.07.018 |
Photodynamic Root Canal Therapy |
procedure |
746 rub. |
A22.07.012.004 |
Photodynamic therapy for periodontal diseases in the area of no more than 6 teeth |
procedure |
2 371 rub. |
А22.07.012.003 |
Photodynamic therapy for periodontal diseases in the area of 1 tooth |
procedure |
1 266 rub. |
A16.07.212.005 |
Splinting of two teeth with pins with intracanal fixation |
procedure |
966 rub. |
A11.07.011.001 |
Introduction of drugs into the root canal with destructive forms of periodontitis (children) |
procedure |
796 rub. |
A16.07.045.002 |
Vestibuloplasty in the area of six teeth (children) |
operation |
1 219 rub. |
A16.07.045.003 |
Vestibuloplasty with autotransplantation (up to six teeth, children) |
operation |
2 029 rub. |
A16.07.083.002 |
Restoration of the anatomical form in hypoplasia, fluorosis in one temporary tooth (children) |
procedure |
408 rub. |
A16.07.215.004 |
Restoration of a unit of the dentition defect using glass fiber materials and photopolymers in a direct way in obastipremolar (children) |
manipulation |
3,848 rub. |
A16.07.215.006 |
Restoration of a unit of the dentition defect using glass fiber materials and photopolymers in a direct way in the field of molars (children) |
manipulation |
4,198 rub. |
A16.07.215.005 |
Restoration of a unit of the dentition defect using glass fiber materials and photopolymers in a direct way in the area of the anterior teeth (children) |
manipulation |
3,769 rub. |
A16.07.216.002 |
Restoration of the facet on a metal orthopedic construction by photopolymer (children) |
manipulation |
2 032 rub. |
A16.07.247.002 |
Restoration of the tooth shape in the absence of hard tissues up to 1/2 of the tooth crown (children) |
procedure |
2 001 rub. |
A16.07.083.004 |
Restoration of the tooth shape in the complete absence of the tooth crown (children) |
procedure |
3 613 rub. |
A16.07.083.005 |
Restoration of the color and shape of a tooth with non-carious l sessions of hard dental tissues (children) |
procedure |
1 084 rub. |
A16.07.083.006 |
Enamel color restoration - one tooth vining (children) |
procedure |
1 554 rub. |
A16.07.011.001 |
Opening of the periodontal abscess (children) |
procedure |
165 rub. |
A16.07.218.002 |
Hydromassage of gums (children) |
procedure |
147 rub. |
A16.07.026.001 |
Gingivosteoplasty in the area of six teeth (children) |
operation |
1,058 rub. |
A16.07.219.002 |
Collection of periodontal pockets (children) |
manipulation |
386 rub. |
A16.07.103.001 |
Closing with one fissure sealant from a light-cured composite (children) |
procedure |
691 rub. |
A16.07.103.002 |
Closing with one fissure sealant from a light-cured composite (milk tooth) |
procedure |
691 rub. |
A16.07.103.004 |
Closing with one fissure sealant from a chemically curable composite (children) |
procedure |
576 rub. |
A16.07.057.001 |
Closing with one fissure sealant from a chemically curable composite (milk tooth) |
procedure |
576 rub. |
A16.07.104 |
Removing a fixed foreign body from one root canal (children) |
procedure |
1 499 rub. |
A16.07.038.002 |
Curettage of the parodontal pocket in the area of two teeth without flaking of the flap (children) |
procedure |
404 rub. |
A16.07.040.002 |
Curettage parodontal pockets in the area of two teeth with flap flaking (children) |
operation |
1 066 rub. |
A22.07.015 |
Laser treatment of the root canal (children) |
procedure |
1 667 rub. |
A22.07.017.001 |
Laser treatment of the periodontal pocket (children) |
procedure |
1 138 rub. |
А22.07.016.001 |
Laser treatment of hard tooth tissues (children) |
procedure |
1 304 rub.
A16.07.127 |
Medical bandage on the oral mucosa (one session, (children)) |
procedure |
223 rub. |
A16.07.126.001 |
Treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa (each subsequent session, (children)) |
procedure |
279 rub. |
A16.07.126.002 |
Treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa (first session, (children)) |
procedure |
383 rub. |
A16.07.126.006 |
Treatment of diseases of the salivary glands, temporomandibular joint (one visit, (children)) |
procedure |
705 rub. |
A16.07.126.007 |
Treatment of diseases of the salivary glands, temporomandibular joint (follow-up visit, (children)) |
procedure |
516 rub. |
A16.07.105 |
Treatment of a single root canal using mechanical and chemical expansion means (children) |
procedure |
957 rub. |
A16.07.086.001 |
Treatment of one well-passable root canal without the use of resorption means (children) |
procedure |
974 rub. |
A16.07.107.002 |
Periodontitis treatment with an impregnation method without applying a seal (children) |
procedure |
734 rub. |
A16.07.107.001 |
Treatment of periodontitis with an impregnation method without applying a seal (baby tooth) |
procedure |
734 rub. |
A16.07.107.006 |
Treatment of surface caries with silver plating (children) |
procedure |
83 rub. |
A16.07.107.005 |
Treatment of surface caries with silvering (baby tooth) |
procedure |
83 rub. |
A16.07.107.004 |
Treatment of pulpitis with an amputation method without applying a seal (children) |
procedure |
589 rub. |
A16.07.107.003 |
Treatment of pulpitis with an amputation method without applying a seal (baby tooth) |
procedure |
589 rub. |
A16.07.107.007 |
Treatment with the use of a pin depending on the type of cavity (children) |
procedure |
316 rub. |
A16.07.131.001 |
Drug treatment of periodontal pockets: application (children) |
procedure |
211 rub. |
A16.07.131.002 |
Drug treatment of periodontal pockets: instillation (children) |
procedure |
137 rub. |
A16.07.131.003 |
Drug treatment of periodontal pockets: irrigation (children) |
procedure |
158 rub. |
A16.07.131.004 |
Drug treatment of periodontal pockets: bandage (children) |
procedure |
454 rub. |
A16.07.133.002 |
Local application of remineralizing and fluorine-containing preparations for one to four milk teeth |
procedure |
160 rub. |
A16.07.134.007 |
The imposition of a medical strip with deep caries (children) |
procedure |
225 rub. |
A16.07.134.010 |
Applying arsenic paste, temporary dressing (children) |
procedure |
138 rub. |
A16.07.002.014 |
The imposition of one seal of light-cured composites of the average caries of I and V class according to Bleck: sandwich technique (children) |
procedure |
1 499 rub. |
A16.07.002.013 |
The imposition of a single seal of light-cured composites of the secondary caries of the II and III classes according to Bleck: sandwich technique (children) |
procedure |
1 764 rub. |
A16.07.002.018 |
Imposition of a single cement filling in case of surface and medium caries of I and V class according to Bleck (children) |
procedure |
524 rub. |
A16.07.002.016 |
Imposition of a single cement filling in case of surface and medium caries of the I and V classes according to Bleck (milk tooth) |
procedure |
524 rub. |
A16.07.002.015 |
Imposition of a single cement filling in case of surface and medium caries of grade II and III according to Bleck (children) |
procedure |
618 rub. |
A16.07.002.026 |
Imposition of a single cement filling in case of surface and medium caries of class II and III according to Bleck (milk tooth) |
procedure |
618 rub. |
A16.07.002.027 |
Imposition of a single cement filling with surface and medium caries of the IV class according to Bleck (children) |
procedure |
724 rub. |
A16.07.002.028 |
Imposition of a single cement filling in case of surface and medium caries of class IV according to Bleck (milk tooth) |
procedure |
724 rub. |
A16.07.002.017 |
Overlaying of a single seal of light-cured composites of surface and medium caries of Class II and III according to Bleck: linear technique (children) |
procedure |
1 446 rub. |
A16.07.002.019 |
Imposition of a seal of light-cured composite composites of surface and medium caries of I and V class according to Bleck: linear technique (children) |
procedure |
1 181 rub. |
A16.07.002.020 |
Overlay of a seal made of light-cured composites of surface and medium caries of class IV according to Bleck: linear technique (children) |
procedure |
1 710 rub. |
A16.07.002.025 |
Overlaying a seal from chemical curing composites with surface and medium caries of class II and III according to Bleck (children) |
procedure |
782 rub. |
A16.07.002.024 |
Imposing a seal of chemical-cured composites with surface and medium caries of the I and V classes according to Bleck (children) |
procedure |
655 rub. |
A16.07.002.022 |
Imposing a seal of chemical-cured composites with surface and medium caries of the I and V classes according to Bleck (baby milk) |
procedure |
561 rub. |
A16.07.002.023 |
Imposition of a seal of chemical-cured composites for surface and medium caries of the IV class according to Bleck (children) |
procedure |
1 011 rub. |
A16.07.002.021 |
Imposition of a seal of light-cured composites with average Blek class IV caries: sandwich technique (children) |
procedure |
1 985 rub |
A16.07.134.016 |
Applying a bandage, compress with the participation of a doctor (children) |
manipulation |
144 rub. |
A16.07.142 |
Whitening of the tooth crown (first session, (children)) |
procedure |
499 rub. |
A16.07.154 |
Preparation and obturation of a single root canal with gutta-percha (children) |
procedure |
926 rub. |
A16.07.159.003 |
Fluorlac, fluorinel teeth coating of all milk teeth |
procedure |
541 rub. |
A16.07.160.003 |
Polishing fillings from composites in the treatment of carious cavities I-III, V class according to Bleck (children) |
procedure |
255 rub. |
A16.07.160.002 |
Polishing fillings from composites in the treatment of carious cavities I-III, V class according to Bleck (milk tooth) |
procedure |
255 rub. |
A16.07.160.001 |
Polishing of a seal during restoration work and in the treatment of carious cavities class IV according to Bleck (children) |
procedure |
477 rub. |
A16.07.161.001 |
Rinse of the remineralizing or fluorine-containing preparations of milk teeth (one session) |
procedure |
263 rub. |
A16.07.168.003 |
Conducting professional hygiene of one baby tooth |
procedure |
175 rub. |
A16.07.168.002 |
Conducting professional hygiene of one baby tooth for periodontal disease |
procedure |
224 rub. |
A16.07.172.004 |
Sealing of one canal under the pin (children) |
procedure |
676 rub. |
A16.07.172.001 |
Sealing of one root canal, filling with resorcin-formalin paste (children) |
procedure |
1 260 rub. |
A16.07.172.002 |
Unsealing of one root canal, sealed with Zn-eugenol paste (children) |
procedure |
695 rub. |
A16.07.172.003 |
Sealing of one root canal, filled with phosphate-cement (children) |
procedure |
1 473 rub. |
A16.07.175.001 |
Rasplifovka of one fissure, grinding of necrotic masses with superficial caries of one tooth (children) |
manipulation |
292 rub. |
A16.07.175.002 |
Grinding of one fissure, grinding of necrotic masses in case of surface caries of one baby tooth |
manipulation |
292 rub. |
A16.07.177.001 |
Dentition restoration: tremes, diastemas (for each tooth, (children)) |
procedure |
1,615 rub. |
A16.07.177.002 |
Restoration of teeth with the elimination of defect fillings when removing the seal (children) |
procedure |
575 rub. |
A16.07.177.005 |
Restoration of one facet with photopolymer (children) |
procedure |
1 253 rub. |
A16.07.177.007 |
Restoration for congenital anomalies of the tooth shape (children) |
procedure |
1 900 rub. |
A16.07.185.010 |
Removal of fillings (baby tooth) |
procedure |
223 rub. |
A16.07.185.015 |
Removal of a one-piece crown (children) |
procedure |
291 rub. |
A16.07.192.003 |
Trephination of the tooth, artificial crown (milk tooth) |
procedure |
223 rub. |
A16.07.201.001 |
Ultrasonic treatment of tissues (one session, (children)) |
procedure |
282 rub. |
A16.07.208.004 |
Fixation of a post in the root canal (children) |
procedure |
474 rub. |
A22.07.018.001 |
Photodynamic root canal therapy (children) |
procedure |
732 rub. |
А22.07.012.003 |
Photodynamic therapy for periodontal diseases (children) |
procedure |
1 920 rub. |
A16.07.212.001 |
Splinting of two teeth with pins with intracanal fixation (children) |
procedure |
1 042 rub. |
A16.07.212.001 |
Splinting of two teeth with pins with intracanal fixation (children) |
procedure |
1 042 rub. |
A16.07.225.003 |
Activation of one element EdgeWay, Begg - technology |
manipulation |
354 rub. |
A16.07.225.004 |
Activation of the steel arc |
manipulation |
469 rub. |
A16.07.225.005 |
Activation of the elements of a removable orthodontic apparatus |
procedure |
272 rub. |
A16.07.221.001 |
Analysis and calculation of the tomogram of the temporomandibular joint |
procedure |
571 rub. |
A02.07.004 |
Anthropometric research |
procedure |
307 rub. |
A16.07.224.003 |
A conversation with a patient during orthodontic treatment (up to 3 times) |
a session |
124 rub. |
A16.07.228 |
Intraoral dental snapshot, its description in the clinical map |
manipulation |
124 rub. |
A16.07.229.001 |
Performing screw replacement |
manipulation |
668 rub. |
A16.07.230.001 |
Performing the repair of the apparatus: replacing two elements (fastening) |
manipulation |
384 rub. |
A16.07.230.002 |
Performing the repair of the device: replacement of the element (fastening) |
manipulation |
278 rub. |
A16.07.230.003 |
Performing a baseline fracture with base plastic |
manipulation |
632 rub. |
A16.07.232.001 |
Soldering for orthodontic structures |
manipulation |
253 rub. |
A16.07.233.001 |
Performing the installation of the screw |
procedure |
263 rub. |
A16.07.236.001 |
Engraving and marking of models, designing complex orthodontic appliances |
procedure |
228 rub. |
A16.07.235.001 |
For each element of a removable orthodontic apparatus |
manipulation |
83 rub. |
A16.07.111.004 |
Bending and fixing the lip bumper of an individual |
manipulation |
3 268 rub. |
A16.07.111.005 |
Bending and fixation of the lip bumper of the standard |
manipulation |
1 466 rub. |
A16.07.111.006 |
Bending and fixation of the palatine byugel of the individual |
manipulation |
3 238 rub. |
A16.07.111.007 |
Bending and fixation of the palatine bypass of the standard |
manipulation |
1,288 rub. |
A16.07.111.008 |
Bending of retainer |
manipulation |
482 rub. |
A16.07.111.012 |
Production of an Ocamy retainer using the “Setup” |
procedure |
4,165 rub. |
A16.07.111.013 |
Production of Ocamy-reteyner on standard models |
manipulation |
2 415 rub. |
A16.07.111.014 |
Production of an activator open Klammt |
procedure |
3 193 rub. |
A16.07.220.001 |
Manufacturing of the Andresen-Hoypla apparatus |
procedure |
4,058 rub. |
A16.07.220.002 |
Production of Derichsweiler apparatus and its modifications |
procedure |
4 768 rub. |
A16.07.220.003 |
Manufacturing of the Frenkel apparatus |
procedure |
5 181 rub. |
A16.07.228.001 |
Production of a wax pattern for the definition of a constructive bite |
procedure |
259 rub. |
A16.07.111.019 |
Making the head cap |
procedure |
945 rub. |
A16.07.111.020 |
The manufacture of the labial pellet |
manipulation |
888 rub. |
A16.07.111.025 |
Making the arc of the vestibular simple |
manipulation |
357 rub. |
A16.07.111.023 |
Making the arc of the vestibular complex (with 4-6 additional bends) |
procedure |
762 rub. |
A16.07.111.011 |
Making the arc of the vestibular complex (with pressure on one tooth) |
procedure |
496 rub. |
A16.07.111.026 |
Production of palatal arch |
manipulation |
474 rub. |
A16.07.111.027 |
Making a protective loop for tongue |
manipulation |
397 rub. |
A16.07.112.032 |
Production of a protective plate |
manipulation |
2 699 rub. |
A16.07.111.046 |
Production of an individual positioner |
manipulation |
5 132 rub. |
A16.07.111.044 |
Manufacturing of a plastic kappa fixed on the dentition |
manipulation |
1,919 rub. |
A16.07.111.045 |
Making the klamer Adams |
manipulation |
269 rub. |
A16.07.111.031 |
Klammerakruglya round |
manipulation |
168 rub. |
A16.07.111.035 |
Making a classer of the function regulator |
manipulation |
311 rub. |
A16.07.111.036 |
Making a klammerRoouch |
manipulation |
322 rub. |
A16.07.111.038 |
Making a clasp with a hook for rubber traction |
manipulation |
487 rub. |
A16.07.111.039 |
Making orthodontic ring |
manipulation |
710 rub. |
A16.07.111.040 |
Making a ring with a hook (tube) |
manipulation |
879 rub. |
A16.07.111.041 |
Production of a ring with a rod |
manipulation |
944 rub. |
A16.07.004.006 |
Manufacturing of a crown orthodontic |
manipulation |
853 rub. |
A16.07.004.007 |
Production of a plastic crown |
manipulation |
1 009 rub. |
A16.07.004.010 |
Production of a crown of prosthetic |
manipulation |
809 rub. |
A16.07.004.011 |
Making a crown with a rod |
manipulation |
1,018 rub. |
A16.07.112.003 |
Production of a lingual arch |
manipulation |
651 rub. |
A16.07.112.006 |
Production of lining occlusal |
manipulation |
547 rub. |
A16.07.112.008 |
Production of an inclined plane |
manipulation |
386 rub. |
A16.07.112.009 |
Production of the palatine blugel |
manipulation |
660 rub. |
A16.07.021.002 |
Making an orthodontic appliance Twin-block |
manipulation |
3 167 rub. |
A16.07.004.017 |
Making an orthodontic crown with a hook (tube) |
manipulation |
890 rub. |
A16.07.112.012 |
Production of an orthodontic base plate (without elements) |
manipulation |
1,947 rub. |
A16.07.112.015 |
Manufacturing of pellot-plastic on a metal frame |
manipulation |
835 rub. |
A16.07.112.017 |
Manufacturing of the Loop Osadchiy |
manipulation |
310 rub. |
A16.07.112.018 |
Production of a plate of the vestibuloral |
manipulation |
2 330 rub. |
A16.07.112.019 |
Production of an expanding plate (with screw) |
manipulation |
2,021 rub. |
A16.07.112.020 |
Making chin groove |
manipulation |
545 rub. |
A16.07.112.021 |
Production of a positioner according to "Setup" |
manipulation |
7 610 rub. |
A16.07.112.022 |
Production of a positioner according to standard models |
manipulation |
4,419 rub. |
A16.07.111.010 |
Making the spring S-shaped, hand-made, complex protragiruyuschey with two bends |
manipulation |
303 rub. |
A16.07.112.023 |
Production of the spring Coffin |
manipulation |
469 rub. |
A16.07.112.024 |
Production of a spring with a complex three-bend protracting |
manipulation |
414 rub. |
A16.07.112.026 |
Manufacturing metal shackles for molar |
manipulation |
483 rub. |
A16.07.112.027 |
Production of the pusher (simple spring) |
manipulation |
238 rub. |
A16.07.112.028 |
Manufacturing of a partial denture |
manipulation |
1 814 rub. |
A16.07.112.030 |
Making an Aeliner by "Setup" |
manipulation |
4 124 rub. |
A16.07.112.031 |
Production of the airliner according to standard models |
manipulation |
2 334 rub. |
A16.07.115.001 |
Study and description of radiographs of the brush |
study |
813 rub. |
A16.07.115 |
Study and description of radiographs of the bones of the face |
study |
813 rub. |
A02.07.010 |
Research on diagnostic models of the jaws |
research |
646 rub. |
A16.07.118 |
Clinical studies of the functions of the dental system |
research |
143 rub. |
A16.07.121 |
Self-massage performance monitoring |
service |
57 rub. |
B01.063.007.01 |
Control examination during treatment |
procedure |
228 rub. |
A16.07.122.002 |
Correction of the metal elements of a removable orthodontic apparatus (springs and others) |
procedure |
260 rub. |
A16.07.122.004 |
Correction of slings and caps |
manipulation |
160 rub. |
A16.07.021.001 |
Bite correction using Forsus |
procedure |
2 593 rub. |
A16.07.122.003 |
Correction of a removable orthodontic apparatus using self-hardening plastic |
procedure |
544 rub. |
A16.07.124.002 |
Laboratory studies of the functions of the dentition: myogram, rhinopneumometry and other |
research |
840 rub. |
A16.07.124.001 |
Laboratory studies of the functions of the dental system: definition of chewing efficacy |
study |
840 rub. |
A16.07.124.003 |
Laboratory studies of the functions of the dental system: decoding the tomogram of the joint |
study |
571 rub. |
A16.07.236 |
Medical photography |
procedure |
320 rub. |
A16.07.134.001 |
The imposition and fixation of the facial arch of an individual |
procedure |
1 450 rub. |
A16.07.134.002 |
The imposition and fixation of the facial arch of the standard |
procedure |
1 357 rub. |
A16.07.134.003 |
Overlay and fixation of one part Ni –Ti arc |
manipulation |
1 108 rub. |
A16.07.134.003 |
Overlay and fixation of one piece CuNi –Ti arc |
manipulation |
1 595 rub. |
A16.07.047.002 |
Overlay and fixation of steel arc |
manipulation |
1,423 rub. |
A16.07.134.004 |
Imposing or replacing separation ligature |
procedure |
123 rub. |
A16.07.134.014 |
Overlay of one ligature or one link of a chain of |
manipulation |
64 rub. |
A16.07.047.001 |
Overlay springs |
manipulation |
257 rub. |
A16.07.136 |
Processing on a computer of diagnostic data |
procedure |
1 712 rub. |
A16.07.137.003 |
Training for massage in the maxillofacial area |
procedure |
114 rub. |
A16.07.137.001 |
Teaching the rules of oral hygiene, the rules of using and caring for the device during orthodontic treatment |
procedure |
782 rub. |
A02.07.006.001 |
Definition of a constructive bite |
procedure |
304 rub. |
A16.07.140.001 |
Determination of the degree of formation of crowns and roots of permanent teeth on an orthopantomogram of the jaws |
study |
406 rub. |
A16.07.140.001 |
Determination of the degree of formation of crowns and roots of permanent teeth on an orthopantomogram of the jaws |
study |
406 rub. |
A16.07.140.005 |
Determination of the degree of difficulty of orthodontic treatment |
procedure |
305 rub. |
A16.07.028 |
Orthodontic correction |
procedure |
610 rub. |
A16.07.018 |
Metal wire orthodontic fastening |
procedure |
1,464 rub. |
A16.07.143.002 |
Casting a model with gypsum |
procedure |
248 rub. |
A16.07.143.003 |
Casting a single jaw model with a cap design |
manipulation |
464 rub. |
A16.07.144.004 |
Registration of the patient's history, who completed the treatment |
reception |
228 rub. |
A16.07.144.001 |
Registration of a disability certificate, an act of examination of draftees (without filling out a clinical card) |
service |
406 rub. |
A16.07.148 |
Periostestometry |
procedure |
479 rub. |
A16.07.150 |
Re-fixing of one part |
procedure |
571 rub. |
A16.07.151 |
Repeated strengthening on the cement of the orthodontic ring |
procedure |
354 rub. |
A16.07.152 |
Re-strengthening of the orthodontic crown on the cement |
procedure |
266 rub. |
A16.07.157 |
Plastic underlayer |
manipulation |
212 rub. |
A16.07.158 |
Counting hygiene indices, PMA and other |
procedure |
126 rub. |
A16.07.160.006 |
Polishing of one tooth after removing the bracket |
procedure |
158 rub. |
A16.07.163 |
Repair of the device by the doctor |
procedure |
944 rub. |
A16.07.163.002 |
Mending and restructuring of the arch of the vestibular |
procedure |
621 rub. |
A16.07.163.003 |
Mending and rebuilding a protective loop for the tongue |
procedure |
595 rub. |
A16.07.163.004 |
Mending and rebuilding of the lining of the occlusal |
procedure |
535 rub. |
A16.07.163.005 |
Mending and rebuilding an inclined plane |
procedure |
429 rub. |
A16.07.163.001 |
Mending and rebuilding of the loop of the routing |
procedure |
437 rub. |
B01.063.001 |
Reception (examination, consultation) of an orthodontist |
primary reception |
1 016 rub. |
A16.07.165.005 |
Apparatus post-repair fitting |
procedure |
431 rub. |
A16.07.165.001 |
Adaptation of the block two-jaw apparatus (without elements) |
procedure |
543 rub. |
A16.07.165.004 |
QUAD-HELIX bypass fitting |
procedure |
1 574 rub. |
A16.07.165.006 |
TMA arc fitting |
procedure |
1 482 rub. |
A16.07.165.014 |
Fitting and manufacturing of a Port tire |
procedure |
2 679 rub. |
A16.07.165.007 |
Filling and application of a removable vestibuloral plate |
procedure |
942 rub. |
A16.07.165.008 |
Fitting and applying a removable plate of the vestibular |
procedure |
543 rub. |
A16.07.165.002 |
Adaptation of the skeletal double-jaw apparatus (without elements) |
procedure |
938 rub. |
A16.07.165.009 |
Multi-distal arc filing |
procedure |
2 733 rub. |
A16.07.165.003 |
Filling the obturator and plate transformation in the oral house |
procedure |
4 131 rub. |
A16.07.165.010 |
Frenkel apparatus fitting |
procedure |
1 623 rub. |
A16.07.165.012 |
Filing a removable maxillary apparatus (without elements) |
procedure |
314 rub. |
A16.07.165.013 |
Filing a partial denture |
procedure |
938 rub. |
A16.07.166.001 |
Grinding and polishing the base of a removable orthodontic appliance |
procedure |
149 rub. |
A16.07.167.001 |
Ashler-Bittner Clinical Diagnostic Test |
procedure |
114 rub. |
A16.07.167.002 |
Clinical diagnostic tests according to Ilina - Markosyan |
procedure |
114 rub. |
A16.07.169 |
Psychotherapy for children and parents in the process of orthodontic treatment |
procedure |
114 rub. |
A16.07.171 |
Cutting the apparatus through the screw |
manipulation |
289 rub. |
A16.07.174 |
Drawing of a head X-ray film, measuring the angular and linear dimensions of the facial skeleton |
procedure |
2 739 rub. |
A16.07.179.001 |
Delivery of the orthodontic ring |
procedure |
1 062 rub. |
A16.07.179.002 |
Surrender of the orthodontic crown |
procedure |
496 rub. |
A16.07.181 |
Separation of teeth (one gap) |
procedure |
132 rub. |
A16.07.185.006 |
Removal of one cast by an elastic mass |
manipulation |
324 rub. |
A16.07.185.002 |
Removal of one orthodontic crown, orthodontic ring, bracket, retainer (one tooth) |
procedure |
122 rub. |
A16.07.185.007 |
Removal of the impression for the manufacture of a protective plate, obturator |
procedure |
863 rub. |
A16.07.188 |
Council (if the patient asked only for advice) |
reception |
114 rub. |
A16.07.189 |
Compiling a plan for orthodontic treatment |
service |
285 rub. |
A16.07.190.002 |
Grinding off hillocks of temporary teeth (one tooth) |
procedure |
167 rub. |
A16.07.201.003 |
Strengthening orthodontic parts on the tooth enamel using composite materials, fixing the bracket (1 part, without the cost of the bracket system) |
procedure |
510 rub. |
A19.30.005 |
Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the face and neck |
procedure |
228 rub. |
A16.07.203 |
Installation of the face mask |
manipulation |
5 586 rub. |
A16.07.204 |
Installation of palatal expander |
manipulation |
4 319 rub. |
A16.07.205 |
Installation of plastic tooth |
manipulation |
103 rub. |
A16.07.206 |
Installation of the molar rotator |
manipulation |
4 348 rub. |
A16.07.048.002 |
Fixing a ligature-free ceramic bracket (without the cost of a bracket system) |
manipulation |
454 rub. |
A16.07.208.005 |
Fixation of retainer within six teeth |
procedure |
2,065 rub. |
A11.01.001 |
Skin biopsy |
operation |
517 rub. |
A11.03.001 |
Bone biopsy |
operation |
730 rub. |
А11.07.001 |
Biopsy of the oral mucosa |
operation |
509 rub. |
А11.07.009 |
Salivary gland duct bouts |
operation |
332 rub. |
А11.04.004.001 |
Introduction of drugs into the temporomandibular joint |
manipulation |
339 rub. |
A16.07.008.003 |
Exposure of high-intensity laser radiation to the gum area |
procedure |
1,334 rub. |
A22.07.008 |
The impact of low-intensity laser radiation on the gum area |
procedure |
893 rub. |
A16.04.018 |
Restoration of joint dislocation |
operation |
621 rub. |
A16.07.011 |
Autopsy of the submucosal or subperiosteal nidus of inflammation |
operation |
661 rub. |
A16.01.011 |
Opening of the boil (carbuncle) |
procedure |
962 rub. |
A16.07.234.001 |
Hemisection, amputation of the tooth root without cutting out the mucoperiosteal flap |
operation |
1 168 rub. |
A16.07.234.002 |
Hemisection, amputation of the root of the tooth with cutting out the periosteal flap |
operation |
1 404 rub. |
A16.07.012 |
Drainage of odontogenic abscess |
procedure |
318 rub. |
A16.07.015 |
Drainage of the focus of inflammation of the soft tissues of the face or floor of the mouth |
procedure |
395 rub. |
A16.07.242 |
Bone block intake |
procedure |
12 019 rub. |
A16.07.253 |
Soft tissue oral cavity |
procedure |
30 458 rub. |
A16.07.243 |
Closing the perforation hole of the maxillary sinus |
procedure |
12 174 rub. |
A16.07.017.020 |
Excision of benign neoplasm of the skin of the maxillofacial region using a laser |
operation |
2 872 rub. |
A16.07.117.002 |
Excision of benign neoplasm of soft tissues of the oral cavity (papillomas, fibromas, epulis) |
operation |
1 152 rub. |
A16.01.005 |
Excision of skin lesions |
operation |
685 rub. |
A16.01.023.001 |
Excision of scars in the skin and soft tissues of the maxillofacial area |
operation |
1 413 rub. |
A16.07.024.001 |
Excision of tissues for opening a lacquered / dystopic tooth using a laser |
operation |
3 536 rub. |
A16.07.119 |
Compactosteotomy in the area of two teeth |
operation |
1061 rub. |
A16.07.060 |
Coronary-radicular separation |
procedure |
1 046 rub. |
A16.07.017 |
Correction of the volume and shape of the alveolar process |
operation |
1 152 rub. |
A16.07.044.001 |
Correction of the frenulum of the tongue, lips |
operation |
881 rub. |
A16.07.019 |
Laser surgery for benign tumors of the oral cavity |
operation |
3 553 rub. |
A16.07.126.005 |
Treatment of diseases of the salivary glands, temporomandibular joint (first visit) |
procedure |
782 rub. |
A16.07.126.004 |
Treatment of diseases of the salivary glands, temporomandibular joint (follow-up visit) |
procedure |
334 rub. |
A16.07.058 |
Treatment of pericoronitis (washing, dissection and / or excision of the hood) |
operation |
466 rub. |
A15.07.001 |
Imposition of an immobilization dressing for dislocations (subluxations) of teeth |
procedure |
934 rub. |
A16.01.008.002 |
Suturing the soft tissues of the maxillofacial area |
operation |
438 rub. |
A16.01.008.003 |
Imposition of a cosmetic intradermal suture in the maxillofacial region |
operation |
1 249 rub. |
A16.07.134.015 |
Applying a bandage, compress with the doctor’s participation |
manipulation |
199 rub. |
A15.07.002 |
Applying a bandage during an operation on the oral organs |
manipulation |
527 rub. |
A16.07.244 |
Suturing in the oral cavity |
operation |
720 rub. |
A15.03.007 |
Overlay of the splint for bone fractures |
manipulation |
2,897 rub. |
A16.07.241 |
Extension of the crest of the alveolar process with the help of bone autograft (without cost of osteoplastic materials) |
operation |
20 263 rub. |
A16.07.241.001 |
The operation of increasing the crest of the alveolar process using bone autograft level I costs (with the cost of domestic osteoplastic materials) |
operation |
37 706 rub. |
A16.07.241.002 |
Surgery to build up the crest of the alveolar process using bone autograft level II costs (with the cost of imported traditional osteoplastic materials) |
operation |
61 264 rub. |
A16.07.242.001 |
The operation of collecting the bone block of an autograft of the first level of cost (excluding the cost of osteoplastic materials) |
operation |
23 871 rub. |
A16.07.242.002 |
The operation of collecting the bone block of an autograft level II costs (with the cost of domestic osteoplastic materials) |
operation |
37 071 rub. |
A16.07.242.003 |
The operation of collecting the bone block of an autograft level III cost (with the cost of imported traditional osteoplastic materials) |
operation |
54 488 rub. |
A16.07.026.004 |
Operation of vestibuloplasty using a laser (in the area of no more than 6 teeth) |
operation |
2 915 rub. |
A16.07.026.003 |
Surgery gingivectomy, gingivoplasty using a laser (in the area of 1 tooth) |
operation |
3 735 rub. |
A16.07.139.001 |
Implantation operation (insertion of a single implant without the cost of an implant) |
operation |
8 862 rub. |
A16.07.140.006 |
The operation of the directed bone regeneration of the first level of the cost (without the cost of osteoplastic materials) |
operation |
3 642 rub. |
A16.07.140.007 |
Operation of the directed bone regeneration of the II level of cost (with the cost of domestic osteoplastic materials) |
operation |
35 417 rub |
A16.07.140.008 |
Operation of directional bone regeneration level III (with the cost of imported traditional osteoplastic materials) |
operation |
53 611 rub |
A16.07.139.003 |
Operation of the directed periodontal regeneration (6 sections) |
operation |
4 725 rub. |
A16.07.140.009 |
Operation of directed periodontal regeneration 6 plots of level I cost (without cost of osteoplastic materials and enamel proteins) |
operation |
24 877 rub. |
A16.07.140.010 |
Operation of the directed regeneration of periodontal 6 plots of level II cost (with the cost of domestic osteoplastic materials and enamel proteins) |
operation |
39 801 rub. |
A16.07.140.011 |
Operation of the directed regeneration of periodontal 6 plots of level III cost (with the cost of imported traditional osteoplastic materials and enamel proteins) |
operation |
83 071 rub. |
A16.07.044.003 |
Operation of plastic surgery of the frenulum of the tongue and the upper lip using a laser |
operation |
3 779 rub. |
A16.07.073.001 |
The operation of raising the bottom of the maxillary sinus level I costs (without the cost of osteoplastic materials) |
operation |
37 977 rub. |
A16.07.073.002 |
Surgery to lift the bottom of the maxillary sinus II level of costs (with the cost of domestic osteoplastic materials) |
operation |
53,659 rub. |
A16.07.073.003 |
The operation of raising the bottom of the maxillary sinus level III cost (with the cost of imported traditional osteoplastic materials) |
operation |
79 671 rub. |
A16.07.017.003 |
Operation of expansion of the alveolar process of the first level of cost (without the cost of osteoplastic materials) |
operation |
36 329 rub. |
A16.07.017.004 |
Operation of expansion of the alveolar process II level of cost (with the cost of domestic osteoplastic materials) |
operation |
48 828 rub. |
A16.07.017.005 |
Operation of expansion of the alveolar process of the third level of cost (with the cost of imported traditional osteoplastic materials) |
operation |
70 967 rub. |
A16.07.044.004 |
Frenulotomy operation using a laser |
operation |
2 782 rub. |
A16.07.044.005 |
Laser operation frenulectomy |
operation |
3 274 rub. |
A16.07.024 |
Operation to remove an impacted, dystopic or complementary tooth |
operation |
1,492 rub. |
A16.07.054.001 |
Operation of the installation of a mini implant for further prosthetic surgery |
operation |
4,889 rub |
А16.07.139.004 |
Operation of the installation of the formation of the gums in the area of a single tooth implant |
operation |
2 002 rub |
A16.07.139.005 |
Cystotomy surgery |
operation |
1,748 rub. |
A16.12.020 |
Stopping bleeding from a peripheral vessel |
procedure |
442 rub. |
A16.07.013 |
Delayed curettage of a tooth extraction hole |
procedure |
533 rub. |
A16.07.147.004 |
Dressing after the extraoral incision |
procedure |
340 rub. |
A16.07.147.002 |
Dressing during the initial healing of a dental implant |
procedure |
739 rub. |
A15.07.014 |
Oral wound dressing |
procedure |
349 rub. |
A16.07.063 |
Plastics of the alveolar process of the upper jaw |
manipulation |
1 387 rub. |
A16.07.149.002 |
Plasty of salivary fistula with local tissues |
operation |
1,799 rub. |
A16.07.153 |
Selection and fixation of the supporting head of a single implant |
procedure |
2,894 rub. |
A16.07.155 |
Maintenance therapy in the period - after prosthetic dentistry (one session) |
procedure |
355 rub. |
A16.07.073 |
Raising the bottom of the maxillary sinus |
operation |
9 285 rub. |
A11.07.008 |
Puncture of a cyst of the oral cavity |
operation |
205 rub. |
A16.07.173.001 |
Dissection of the frenulum of the tongue |
operation |
305 rub. |
A16.07.176.001 |
Resection of the apex of two or more teeth |
operation |
1 691 rub. |
A16.07.176.003 |
Resection of the apex of a single tooth |
operation |
1,424 rub. |
A16.07.178 |
Free soft tissue transfer within the oral cavity |
operation |
2,364 rub. |
A16.07.055 |
Sinus lifting (bone grafting, osteoplasty) |
procedure |
7 119 rub. |
A16.07.055.001 |
Sinus lifting (inert plastic, osteoplasty) Level I cost (without cost of osteoplastic materials) |
procedure |
26 067 rub. |
A16.07.055.002 |
Sinus lifting (inert plastic, osteoplasty) Level II cost (with the cost of domestic osteoplastic materials) |
procedure |
31,098 rub. |
A16.07.055.003 |
Sinus lifting (inert plastic, osteoplasty) Level III cost (with the cost of imported traditional osteoplastic materials) |
procedure |
42 903 rub. |
A16.07.183.002 |
Sclerotherapy (dentistry) |
procedure |
507 rub. |
A16.07.184.002 |
Complicated tooth extraction with cutting out the mucoperiosteal flap and resection of the bone plate |
procedure |
1 384 rub. |
A16.07.184.004 |
Complicated tooth extraction with root separation |
procedure |
760 rub. |
A16.07.186.002 |
Removal of sutures (dentistry) |
procedure |
202 rub. |
A16.07.186.003 |
Removal of a tire from one jaw |
procedure |
342 rub. |
A16.07.193.002 |
Removal of benign bone formation (odontomas, osteomas and others) |
operation |
1 701 rub. |
A16.01.017 |
Removal of benign skin tumors |
operation |
965 rub. |
A16.07.001 |
Tooth extraction |
operation |
560 rub. |
A16.07.194.001 |
Removal of a dental implant (simple) |
operation |
1 113 rub. |
A16.07.194.002 |
Removal of a dental implant (complicated) |
operation |
2 645 rub. |
A16.07.246 |
Removal of a foreign body from the soft tissues of the oral cavity |
operation |
5 749 rub. |
A16.22.012 |
Removal of stones from the ducts of the salivary glands |
operation |
1 491 rub. |
A16.07.001.002 |
Removal of one tooth with the use of a transplant for periodontal diseases |
operation |
1 423 rub. |
A16.07.001.006 |
Removal of one tooth with the use of a transplant in periodontal diseases of the first level of costs (without the cost of osteoplastic materials) |
operation |
24 877 rub. |
A16.07.001.007 |
Removal of one tooth with the use of a graft for periodontal diseases of the II level of costs (with the cost of domestic osteoplastic materials) |
operation |
33 730 rub. |
A16.07.001.008 |
Removal of one tooth with the use of a graft in periodontal diseases of the third level of cost (with the cost of imported traditional osteoplastic materials) |
operation |
47 814 rub. |
A16.07.198.001 |
Removal of retention cyst: cystotomy |
operation |
720 rub. |
A16.07.016.001 |
Removal of retention cyst: cystectomy |
operation |
1 155 rub. |
A16.03.015 |
Removal of sequestration |
operation |
1 835 rub. |
A16.07.001.009 |
Removal of the tooth wall |
procedure |
1 917 rub. |
A16.07.140.012 |
Elimination of gingival recession in the area of one tooth I cost level (without cost of osteoplastic materials) |
operation |
22 234 rub. |
A16.07.140.013 |
Elimination of gingival recession in the area of one tooth of the II level of cost (with the cost of domestic osteoplastic materials) |
operation |
29 377 rub. |
A16.07.140.014 |
Elimination of gingival recession in the area of one tooth of the 3rd level of cost (with the cost of imported traditional osteoplastic materials) |
operation |
60 715 rub. |
A16.01.009 |
Suturing an open wound (without skin grafting) |
operation |
135 rub. |
A16.07.212.008 |
Splinting for fractures of the jaws without displacement of fragments |
manipulation |
2 599 rub. |
A16.07.212.009 |
Splinting for fractures of the jaws with displacement of fragments |
manipulation |
3 156 rub. |
A22.30.003 |
Exposure to short ultraviolet radiation (FUV) |
procedure |
92 rub. |
А17.30.017 |
Ultra-high frequency electric field (UHF HF) exposure |
procedure |
111 rub. |
А17.13.004 |
Darsonvalization with microcirculation disorders |
procedure |
164 rub. |
A17.07.007 |
Darsonvalization in oral pathology |
procedure |
157 rub. |
A17.30.003 |
Diadynamic therapy (DDT) |
procedure |
167 rub. |
A17.07.005 |
Magnetotherapy for pathology of the oral cavity and teeth |
procedure |
156 rub. |
B01.054.001 |
Examination (consultation) of a physiotherapist |
reception |
193 rub. |
А22.04.002.001 |
Ultraphonophoresis for joint diseases |
procedure |
204 rub. |
A22.07.007 |
Ultrafonoforez drugs on the gum area |
procedure |
181 rub. |
А17.24.006 |
Fluctuorization in diseases of the peripheral nervous system |
procedure |
138 rub. |
A17.07.008 |
Fluctuorization in the pathology of the oral cavity and teeth |
procedure |
136 rub. |
А17.03.001 |
Electrophoresis of drugs for bone pathology |
procedure |
224 rub. |
A17.07.001 |
Electrophoresis of drugs for the pathology of the oral cavity and teeth |
procedure |
220 rub. |
A06.07.004.002 |
Computer orthopantomography |
study |
613 rub. |
A06.03.002.004 |
Computed tomography of the facial area of the skull |
study |
564 rub. |
A06.03.069 |
Computer cephalometry in lateral projection |
study |
613 rub. |
A06.03.070 |
Computer cephalometry in direct projection |
study |
613 rub. |
A06.07.004 |
Orthopantomography |
study |
368 rub. |
A16.07.170 |
Radiovisiographic examination of the dentition |
study |
176 rub. |
A06.04.001 |
X-ray of the temporomandibular joint |
study |
402 rub. |
A06.04.001.001 |
X-ray of the temporomandibular joint (functional study) |
study |
298 rub. |
A06.07.011 |
Radiography of the tooth |
study |
193 rub. |
A06.03.032 |
Radiography of the hand |
study |
288 rub. |
A06.04.015 |
Tomography of the temporomandibular joint |
study |
761 rub. |
A06.08.006 |
Tomography of the paranasal sinuses, larynx |
study |
606 rub. |
A16.07.225.001 |
Reinforcement of plastic prosthesis cast |
work |
3 161 rub. |
A16.07.225.002 |
Attachments of the Bredent company (imported material) |
work |
2 644 rub. |
A16.07.216.001 |
Restoration of the plastic lining of the crown or facet |
work |
660 rub. |
A16.07.003 |
Tooth restoration with tabs, veneer, half-core |
work |
10 274 rub. |
A16.07.111.049 |
Replacing the attachment sleeve Bradent |
operation |
1 235 rub. |
A16.07.111.001 |
Replacing the sleeve of the attachment of the OT CAP system (per sleeve) |
operation |
1,706 rub. |
A16.07.035.015 |
Replacing or installing in the prosthesis 1 additional plastic tooth |
work |
1 571 rub. |
A16.07.035.016 |
Replacement or installation of 2 additional plastic teeth in the prosthesis |
work |
1 926 rub. |
A16.07.035.017 |
Replacement or installation of 3 additional plastic teeth in the prosthesis |
work |
1 953 rub. |
A16.07.035.018 |
Replacing or installing in the prosthesis 4 additional plastic teeth |
work |
2 043 rub. |
A16.07.111.002 |
Replacing or installing two bent single-arm |
clasps |
1 356 rub. |
A16.07.111.003 |
Replacing or installing a krammegnuty one-shoulder |
work |
1,270 rub. |
A16.07.111.015 |
Production of the basis of cast (instead of arc) |
work |
5 178 rub. |
A16.07.111.016 |
Production of the basis of the plastic (bite plate) |
work |
2,357 rub. |
A16.07.111.043 |
Production of the basis for a removable laminar prosthesis using the method of gating press |
work |
5 488 rub. |
A16.07.003.001 |
Production of a stump tab with a steel pin |
work |
1 086 rub. |
A16.07.004.034 |
Making a temporary crown |
work |
1 189 rub. |
A16.07.111.021 |
Production of diagnostic models (one pair) |
work |
903 rub. |
A16.07.111.022 |
Making the arc of the upper or lower partial denture |
work |
3 626 rub. |
A23.07.002.097 |
Production of a ceramic tooth on a zirconia framework |
work |
9 845 rub. |
A16.07.110.009 |
Making a cast tooth as part of a clasp prosthesis |
work |
950 rub. |
A16.07.110.002 |
Manufacturing a tooth cast from CX as a part of a cast bridge |
work |
2 071 rub. |
A16.07.110.014 |
Production of a tooth cast from CX as a part of a cast bridge with a coating |
work |
2 574 rub. |
A16.07.110.004 |
Manufacturing a tooth cast from CX with a facet as part of a cast bridge prosthesis |
work |
2 079 rub. |
A16.07.110.015 |
Making a tooth cast from CX with a facet as part of a cast bridge with |
work |
2 766 rub. |
A16.07.110.016 |
Production of a tooth cast from steel for a pressed-brazed bridge |
work |
1 473 rub. |
A16.07.006.002 |
Making a tooth cast from steel for a pressed-brazed bridge with a coating |
work |
1 584 rub. |
A16.07.110.001 |
Production of a cast steel tooth with a plastic facet for a pressed-brazed bridge |
work |
2 033 rub. |
A16.07.110.017 |
Production of a cast steel tooth with a plastic facet for a stamped-brazed bridge with a coating |
work |
2 472 rub. |
A16.07.110.008 |
Manufacturing a molded tooth with a plastic facet as part of a clasp prosthesis |
work |
1 161 rub. |
A16.07.110.012 |
Production of a cast pinned tooth from KHS |
work |
2 062 rub. |
A16.07.110.007 |
Production of a metal-ceramic tooth as part of a bridge-like |
work |
5 359 rub. |
A16.07.110.013 |
Production of a plastic tooth in a fixed plastic prosthesis |
work |
1 140 rub. |
A23.07.002.096 |
Manufacturing of anatomical anatomical zirconia tooth CAD / CAM |
work |
9 847 rub. |
A16.07.111.047 |
Making an individual stiff spoon |
work |
1 468 rub. |
A16.07.111.024 |
Manufacturing of the edging of plastic for |
work |
739 rub. |
A16.07.111.044 |
Manufacturing non-removable plastic tray for dentition |
work |
2 822 rub. |
A23.07.002.098 |
Production of a framework by the method of injection heat-sealing |
work |
8 013 rub. |
A16.07.245 |
Making a cyclider |
job |
751 rub. |
A16.07.111.028 |
Making of krammegnutno one shoulder (wire) |
work |
306 rub. |
A16.07.111.029 |
Clamp making a double |
work |
1 033 rub. |
A16.07.111.030 |
Production of a Jackson clasp (ring) |
work |
1 002 rub. |
A16.07.111.032 |
Making clasp support-holding |
job |
840 rub. |
A16.07.111.033 |
Making klamopruzhenischy |
work |
895 rub. |
A16.07.111.037 |
The manufacture of the Klamer Roach (T-shaped) |
work |
1,020 rub. |
A23.07.002.099 |
Making a ceramic crown on a zirconium oxide framework on an implant |
work |
21 920 rub. |
A23.07.002.100 |
Production of anatomical anatomical crown of zirconia CAD / CAM |
work |
10,015 rub. |
A16.07.111.042 |
Manufacturing of the counter bar Rumpel |
work |
1 593 rub. |
A16.07.004.001 |
Making a cast crown from CXS |
work |
3 036 rub. |
A16.07.004.027 |
Making a cast crown from KHS with a coating |
work |
3,651 rub. |
A16.07.004.002 |
Making a cast steel crown |
work |
2 562 rub. |
A16.07.004.003 |
Making a cast crown made of steel with plastic lining |
work |
3 260 rub. |
A16.07.004.028 |
Making crowns of coated steel |
work |
3 177 rub. |
A16.07.004.020 |
Production of cast crowns of steel lined with imported composite material |
work |
3 587 rub. |
A16.07.004.021 |
Production of cast crowns from steel lined with composite material |
work |
3 053 rub. |
A16.07.004.005 |
Production of a metal-ceramic crown |
work |
5 539 rub. |
A16.07.004.004 |
Production of a metal-ceramic crown (stump tab) |
work |
5,073 rub. |
A16.07.004.035 |
Production of a ceramic crown on a zirconia framework |
work |
13 816 rub. |
A16.07.004.033 |
Making the crown using the Impress method |
work |
6 430 rub. |
A16.07.004.026 |
Production of a plastic (or composite) crown |
work |
1 349 rub. |
A16.07.004.012 |
Making a crown telescopic |
work |
3 680 rub. |
A16.07.004.029 |
Production of a crown of a stamped steel byugeln |
work |
1 398 rub. |
A16.07.004.016 |
Production of a crown of a stamped steel restoration |
work |
1 326 rub. |
A16.07.004.030 |
Production of a crown of stamped steel reducing with coating |
work |
1 683 rub. |
A16.07.004.014 |
Making stamped steel crown with plastic lining |
work |
1 923 rub. |
A16.07.004.022 |
Making a crown stamped, soldered with a pin and lined with plastic |
work |
2 762 rub. |
A16.07.111.009 |
Making the foot in a bridge-like prosthesis to increase the area of adhesions |
work |
611 rub. |
A16.07.111.048 |
The manufacture of a splinting foot as part of a clasp prosthesis |
work |
515 rub. |
A16.07.112.033 |
Production of belt clamps |
work |
938 rub. |
A16.07.004.031 |
Making a cast telescopic crown (pair) without lining |
work |
7,549 rub. |
A16.07.004.032 |
Making a cast telescopic crown (pair) with composite lining |
work |
8 901 rub. |
A16.07.112.004 |
Making a model refractory |
work |
2 591 rub. |
A16.07.112.005 |
Production of soft pads in a removable prosthesis |
work |
4 137 rub. |
A16.07.112.007 |
Production of the lining of the occlusal (foot) |
work |
635 rub. |
A16.07.005.001 |
Production of fixed prostheses from light-polymer materials |
work |
5 808 rub. |
A16.07.112.010 |
Production of one attachment of the system OT CAP |
operation |
2 805 rub. |
A16.07.112.011 |
Production of one link of the multi-link clamp |
work |
627 rub. |
A16.07.112.013 |
Production of branches (connection of elements) |
work |
920 rub. |
A16.07.112.014 |
Making a claw-shaped bone (splinting foot) |
work |
627 rub. |
A16.07.112.015 |
Production of pellot-plastic on a metal frame |
work |
462 rub. |
A16.07.112.016 |
Making a loop for fastening plastics |
work |
440 rub. |
A16.07.004.018 |
Production of semi-crowns, cast steel |
work |
2 062 rub. |
A16.07.112.025 |
Manufacturing of a saddle (mesh) for fixing plastics |
work |
515 rub. |
A16.07.035.020 |
Making a removable denture with fourteen plastic teeth set in the anatomical categorizer |
operation |
4 724 rub. |
A16.07.035.003 |
Making a removable denture with twelve plastic teeth |
work |
3 408 rub. |
A16.07.035.005 |
Making a removable denture with nine plastic teeth |
work |
3 315 rub. |
A16.07.035.006 |
Making a removable denture with ten plastic teeth |
work |
3 000 rub. |
A16.07.035.007 |
Making a removable denture with eleven plastic teeth |
work |
3 326 rub. |
A16.07.035.012 |
Making a removable denture with thirteen plastic teeth |
work |
3 474 rub. |
A16.07.035.013 |
Making a removable denture with four plastic teeth |
work |
2 283 rub. |
A16.07.035.001 |
Making a removable denture with fourteen plastic teeth |
work |
3 834 rub. |
A16.07.035.002 |
Making a removable denture with eight plastic teeth |
work |
3 268 rub. |
A16.07.035.004 |
Making a removable denture with two plastic teeth |
work |
2,235 rub. |
A16.07.035.008 |
Making a removable denture with one plastic tooth |
work |
2 095 rub. |
A16.07.035.009 |
Making a removable denture with five plastic teeth |
work |
2 322 rub. |
A16.07.035.010 |
Manufacturing removable denture with seven plastic teeth |
work |
3 253 rub. |
A16.07.035.011 |
Making a removable denture with three plastic teeth |
work |
2 197 rub. |
A16.07.035.014 |
Making a removable denture with six plastic teeth |
work |
3 169 rub. |
A16.07.114 |
Isolation of the torus, exastosis in the basis of the prosthesis |
manipulation |
557 rub. |
A16.07.122.005 |
Correction of a prosthesis made in another medical institution |
manipulation |
465 rub. |
A16.07.125 |
Laser soldering of elements of metal prostheses (one soldering) |
work |
825 rub. |
A03.07.003.001 |
Determining the color of tooth enamel using a photochromoscope |
manipulation |
649 rub. |
A02.07.001.003 |
Examination of the oral cavity in order to clarify the treatment plan, after receiving the results of an additional examination or rehabilitation of the oral cavity |
study |
443 rub. |
A16.07.146 |
Relocation of the plastic base |
manipulation |
1 807 rub. |
A16.07.002.029 |
Arrangement of temporary fillings |
manipulation |
597 rub. |
B01.050.011 |
Reception (examination, consultation) of an orthopedic surgeon primary |
reception |
683 rub. |
A16.07.168.006 |
Conduction or infiltration anesthesia |
manipulation |
483 rub. |
A16.07.006 |
Prosthetics of the tooth using an implant |
manipulation |
15 810 rub. |
A16.07.006 |
Production of a metal-ceramic crown on an implant |
manipulation |
13 775 rub. |
A16.07.006.001 |
Prosthetics of the tooth using a mini implant |
manipulation |
8 664 rub. |
A16.07.185.016 |
Removal of casts by polyester mass |
manipulation |
913 rub. |
A16.07.185.011 |
Removal of casts with a one-time spoon (for one spoon) |
manipulation |
632 rub. |
A16.07.185.001 |
Removal of casts with silicone compound for metal-ceramic or cast non-removable dentures (for one crown) |
manipulation |
548 rub. |
A23.07.002.101 |
Removal of molds with a silicone mass using an individual rigid spoon, for dentures (one jaw) |
manipulation |
312 rub. |
A16.07.185.012 |
Removing the impression casts of the alginate series (1 dentition) |
manipulation |
486 rub. |
A16.07.185.013 |
Removal of an old cast crown or metal-ceramic |
procedure |
575 rub. |
A16.07.185.014 |
Removal of an old extruded crown (one crown) |
procedure |
325 rub. |
A16.07.036.001 |
Connection of elements of the partial denture |
manipulation |
920 rub. |
A16.07.191.002 |
Soldering of parts with silver solder |
manipulation |
760 rub. |
A16.07.191.004 |
Spike of steel prostheses with silver solder (for each ration of elements) |
manipulation |
505 rub. |
A16.07.202 |
Installing the upper and lower models of the jaws in the space of the articulator using the facial arc |
manipulation |
4 142 rub. |
A16.07.207.001 |
Elimination of two basis fractures in a plastic prosthesis |
manipulation |
1,354 rub. |
A16.07.207.002 |
Elimination of one fracture of the basis in a plastic prosthesis |
manipulation |
1,293 rub. |
A16.07.208.006 |
Fixing veneers and porcelain crowns with double-cured cement |
manipulation |
1,217 rub. |
A16.07.208.002 |
Fixation of the crown on temporary cement (one crown) |
procedure |
350 rub. |
A16.07.208.003 |
Fixation of metal-ceramic and one-piece crowns on the |
procedure |
580 rub. |
A16.07.208.001 |
Fixation of a stamped crown on cement |
manipulation |
458 rub. |
A16.07.036.002 |
Milling the bed on cast crowns for elements of the partial denture |
manipulation |
1,781 rub. |
A16.07.209 |
Functional grinding of teeth (one tooth) |
manipulation |
308 rub. |